Polymorphism and Extensibility in Java

In the vast realm of Java programming, interfaces serve as powerful blueprints that define the structure and behavior of classes. They play a pivotal role in achieving polymorphism and enhancing code extensibility. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the essence of interfaces, exploring their significance and the ways they contribute to creating flexible and modular code.

Understanding the Basics

At its core, an interface in Java acts as a contract, outlining a set of methods that a class implementing the interface must provide. The snippet of code provided illustrates this concept:

public interface Interface {

    // Interface methods (abstract by default)


    // …


Interfaces may also include final and static variables, setting the stage for shared constants among classes. However, the real power lies in the abstract methods defined within the interface, which act as a guide for implementing classes.

Polymorphism in Action

One of the primary benefits of interfaces is their ability to facilitate polymorphism. As the code snippet suggests, when declaring variables, it’s advisable to use interfaces. This allows for seamless interchangeability of different classes that implement the same interface.

Interface myVariable = new ImplementingClass();

Here, ImplementingClass could be any class that implements the Interface. This abstraction fosters flexibility, making it irrelevant which specific class is instantiated, as long as it adheres to the contract defined by the interface.

The Power of Collections and Iteration

Interfaces are not confined to abstract methods alone. They extend their influence into Java’s extensive collection framework. The snippet touches upon the concept of lists, emphasizing the use of interfaces like List to declare variables.

List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>();

Whether it’s an ArrayList or a LinkedList, as long as they implement the List interface, they can be used interchangeably. This flexibility proves invaluable when adapting to different scenarios, such as choosing between instant access (ArrayList) or efficient extension (LinkedList).

Interface as a Blueprint

The snippet also introduces the idea that every object in Java has a grandparent – Object. This underscores the fundamental idea that all classes, whether explicitly mentioned or not, ultimately inherit from the Object class.

Interface as a Guide to Collections

Expanding beyond lists, the post touches on the broader collection framework, emphasizing the use of interfaces like Map and Set. The discussion highlights the unique qualities of a Set – a collection where all elements are unique, fostering mathematical set operations.

Set<String> mySet = new HashSet<>();

This snippet encapsulates the beauty of interfaces, as it allows developers to seamlessly switch between different implementations of sets, such as HashSet, LinkedHashSet, or TreeSet.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Java interfaces are more than just blueprints; they are enablers of polymorphism and code extensibility. By embracing interfaces, developers can write modular, adaptable, and scalable code that can effortlessly navigate the diverse landscape of Java classes. The snippet of code provided serves as a gateway to understanding these concepts, encouraging developers to leverage interfaces for a more robust and maintainable codebase.

public class Interface {

    // Where we use a type, we use an interface; where we create an instance,

    // we use a class that implements it.

    // In other words, when we declare a variable, we use an interface. It doesn’t matter which class

    // we use to create an object; they will all work the same through this variable

    // because all classes implement this interface. That is, if we create a list, it doesn’t matter whether it’s

    // a LinkedList or ArrayList; they will all work through the same methods.

    // ArrayList provides instant access, but it has expensive expansion.

    // LinkedList has free expansion, but it takes a long time to traverse.

    // An object always has a super-super-parent.

    // Anything can be placed in the box of the object. List is an interface

    // that inherits from Collection, and Collection has many classes that inherit from it.

    // Iterable is a class that can be iterated.

    // ArrayList is a complete analog of an array.

    // It is needed when the array needs to be expanded as much as needed.

    // List is an interface.

    // Array is a class that implements the interface.

    // For an array, it’s .length

    // For a list, it’s .size

    // Map is an interface.

    // If you take all the keys from the map, you get a set; it is a collection of unique data.

    // Set is a collection of unique values and allows the implementation of a mathematical set of data

    // where all values are unique. That is, when a bunch of values is given as input, and we need to get an array of unique values and sort it.

    // Collection is also an Interface.

    // Iterator – to repeat/ It is an interface that can iterate. It has several methods.

    // Interface


// The interface in Java is a blueprint of a class.

// The interface contains final and static variables.

// The interface contains abstract methods.

// An abstract method is a method that contains a definition but not a body.

// The interface supports the functionality of multiple inheritance.

// We can define an interface with the interface keyword.

// The methods in the interface are public.

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