Developer Denies the Defect


Imagine this: You’re testing, you find a defect, you report it… and then the developer denies it! 😮 What’s your next move?

Let’s break it down step-by-step:

1. Double-Check It’s Really a Defect:

First, make sure the issue is genuine. It might be something specific to your environment or just a misunderstanding. We all make mistakes sometimes, right?

2. Reproduce the Defect:

Try to replicate the problem again, following the same steps. Document everything! If you can reproduce it consistently, that’s solid proof.

3. Gather All the Evidence:

Store all defect-related data in Jira. Include the respective user story, acceptance criteria, the test data you used, steps you followed, and even recordings or screenshots. This gives you a strong foundation to show what’s happening.

4. Set Up a Quick Meeting:

Bring the developer, test lead, and developer lead into a short meeting. During this chat, calmly present all the details you’ve collected. Avoid making it personal—focus on the defect itself, not who’s right or wrong.

5. Present the Defect with Data:

Show them the steps, test data, and evidence. Explain why it should be considered a defect based on the acceptance criteria or expected behavior.

6. Stay Calm and Objective:

Keep it professional and friendly. The goal is to solve the problem, not to blame anyone. In the end, it’s about making the product better together!

Remember, collaboration and clear communication are key! You’re all on the same team, working to deliver the best product possible. 🙌

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