Functional and Non-Functional Testing


Ever wondered how testers ensure a program or website works perfectly and meets all requirements? There are two main categories of testing: Functional and Non-Functional.

Functional Testing:

This type of testing is all about checking the features that users interact with directly. It’s based on business requirements and focuses on what the user sees. The idea is to ensure that every button, link, and form on a page is working as it should.

Examples of Functional Testing:

Smoke Testing: Quick tests to ensure the basic functionalities are not broken.

Regression Testing: Testing old features to make sure new changes haven’t broken anything.

Extension Testing: Checking add-ons or additional functionalities.

Negative Testing: Making sure the app handles unexpected or wrong inputs.

Critical Path Testing: Ensuring users can navigate through key flows like login or checkout without issues.

In simpler terms, functional testing is like making sure a car’s steering, brakes, and acceleration all work as expected.

Non-Functional Testing:

This type of testing focuses on how well a system performs rather than what it does. These are aspects that users might not notice at first glance but are crucial for the overall user experience.

Examples of Non-Functional Testing:

Load Testing: Checking how the system behaves under heavy loads (e.g., many users signing in simultaneously).

Scalability Testing: Ensuring the app can grow without performance issues.

Security Testing: Assessing vulnerabilities to protect against attacks.

Installation Testing: Making sure the program installs correctly across different environments (e.g., app stores or browsers).

Usability Testing: Making sure the colors, text, and interface are user-friendly.

Localization Testing: Checking that the app adapts to different languages, regions, and date formats.

Imagine non-functional testing as ensuring a car can handle rough terrain, has a secure locking system, and doesn’t overheat when speeding up.

A good example of a non-functional test is checking how many users can log in at the same time without causing a slowdown or crash.

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