Retesting vs. Regression Testing


When testing software, you’ll often come across the terms retesting and regression testing. But what’s the difference?


Retesting is when we test a specific bug that has been fixed. It’s like checking if that one thing that was broken is now working correctly. Here’s how it usually goes:

1. Identify the Defect: Report the bug in a system like Jira.

2. Assign It: Find the right person who can fix it.

3. Retest It: After a new build (usually in a couple of days), go back to the defect and see if the bug is resolved.

4. Close the Issue: If it’s fixed, update the status to “Closed.”

Regression Testing

Regression testing, on the other hand, is all about making sure everything else still works fine. When one bug is fixed, we need to ensure the new code didn’t mess up other functionalities. This usually happens before a release and involves a full system check.

1. Do a Quick Smoke Test: Check that the main functions are still operational.

2. Run Through the Test Cases: Make sure all major features work as expected.

Since we work in 2-week sprints, there’s usually enough time to complete a thorough regression check.

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