The Bug Life Cycle


The Bug Life Cycle: What Happens After a Bug is Found?

Ever wondered what happens after a bug is found in a software application? Well, it’s like a little journey for that bug until it gets resolved. Let’s break it down!

1. Bug Found 🕵️

Someone (maybe a tester or even a user) discovers the bug in the application. It could be a glitch, an error, or something that just doesn’t work as expected. Think of this as catching a bug red-handed!

2. Bug Report Created 📝

Now, a detailed report is created with all the juicy details about where the bug was found, what’s causing the trouble, and how to reproduce it. This step is like writing up a police report for the crime the bug committed!

3. Bug Report Assigned to a Developer 👨‍💻

The bug report is handed over to the developer responsible for that section of the code. They roll up their sleeves and start analyzing what went wrong.

4. Bug Fixed 🔧

The developer squashes the bug by fixing the faulty code. But wait—this isn’t the end of the story. The bug fix needs to be tested to make sure it’s truly gone!

5. Bug Retested 🔍

The tester checks if the fix works and the bug is really gone. If everything works smoothly, great! But if the issue is still there, it’s back to the developer. This ping-pong match can go on until the bug is finally fixed.

6. Closed or Reopened ✅🔄

If the bug is completely resolved, the report is marked as closed. However, sometimes bugs are tricky. They might reappear or never really existed in the first place (oops!). In such cases, the bug can be reopened or closed without changes.

And that’s it—a little life cycle for each pesky bug until it gets resolved and everyone can rest easy. 🐛➡️❌

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