JavaScript – lifecycle of variables

In JavaScript, variables go through a simple lifecycle consisting of three stages: Declaration, Initialization, and Usage. Understanding these stages helps you manage your variables effectively, ensuring your code runs smoothly. Let’s explore each step.

1. Declaration

When you declare a variable, you’re telling JavaScript to create a spot in memory for that variable. This is done using keywords like var, let, or const. For example:

let age;

Here, age is declared but not yet assigned a value.

2. Initialization

Initialization is when you assign a value to the variable for the first time. You can do this at the time of declaration or later. For example:

age = 25;

If you write let age = 25;, the declaration and initialization happen at the same time.

3. Usage

Once a variable is declared and initialized, you can use it in your code. For example:

console.log(age); // Output: 25

At this stage, you are reading or updating the value of the variable.

Key Points

  • Declaration: Reserve memory for a variable.
  • Initialization: Assign a value to the variable.
  • Usage: Use the variable’s value in your code.

Understanding this lifecycle can help you avoid common errors, like trying to use a variable that hasn’t been declared or initialized yet.


let name; // Declaration
name = "John"; // Initialization
console.log(name); // Usage - Outputs: John
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